Goals and information
The goal of the web ObservaTierra is to recollect years of results about Earthen Architecture research, in order to create a unique directory of resources on the matter.
The Iberian Peninsula is the european area with the higher concentration of Earthen Architecture. This constructive tecnique and her variations have been studied for many years and there have been important results. Indeed, the earth have been studied for a long time, even out of the Peninsula, as a building material, in order to know characteristics and possibilities for its use in historic or new edifications.
The professors and researchers of the Universidad Politécnica of Valencia Camilla Mileto and Fernando Vegas are the partners for Spain of the UNESCO Chair “Earthen architectures, constructive cultures and sustainable development”. Within this framework, and not only, they directed and participated in many researches and cooperation projects, dissemination activities, restoration works and expositions.